Monday, September 11, 2006

“It is difficulties that show what men are.”

Discourses 1.24.1 [Higginson Trans.]

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The subway pulled into the station. Passengers got on and off. One man who had been waiting on the platform started running towards the front of the train. People do that when they know the exit they want to use after getting off is either towards the front or the back of the station. But a moment later the car doors closed abruptly and the train began pulling away from the station. A few feet down the platform I saw the guy slowing up from his run, a very angry look on his face. He had missed the ride entirely because he wanted to save a few steps later. The moral of the story being just get on the train and don't try to be clever.
--Jonathan Carroll

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

“If I so wish, every omen is favorable for me; for whatever be the outcome, it is within my power to derive benefit from it.”

Enchiridion 18 [Oldfather Trans.]
“Wherever I go, it will be well with me: for even here it was not the place that made me well off, but my judgements, and these I shall carry away with me, for no one can rob me of them; these alone are my own and cannot be taken away, with these I am content wherever I am and whatever I do.”

Discourses 4.7.14 [Matheson Trans.]
“When we are hindered, or disturbed, or distressed, let us never lay the blame on others, but on ourselves, that is on our own judgements.”

Enchiridion 5 [Matheson Trans.]