Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"A small act is worth a million thoughts."  --Ai Weiwei 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

"When you run into something interesting, drop everything else and study it."  --B.F. Skinner 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

 “Some things are better, but not enough things.”  --Vera Rubin
by Mark Strand

Not every man knows what he shall sing at the end,
Watching the pier as the ship sails away, or what it will seem like
When he’s held by the sea’s roar, motionless, there at the end,
Or what he shall hope for once it is clear that he’ll never go back.

When the time has passed to prune the rose or caress the cat,
When the sunset torching the lawn and the full moon icing it down
No longer appear, not every man knows what he’ll discover instead.
When the weight of the past leans against nothing, and the sky

Is no more than remembered light, and the stories of cirrus
And cumulus come to a close, and all the birds are suspended in flight,
Not every man knows what is waiting for him, or what he shall sing
When the ship he is on slips into darkness, there at the end.
"We are all navigating an external world — but only through the prism of our own minds, our own subjective experience… The majesty of the universe is only ever conjured up in the mind."  Janna Levin

Saturday, April 13, 2024

“I don’t think you come back,” [Shatner] said. “I don’t think there’s life after death. I think this is it. This is the journey you take. This is the sadness, the joy, the ecstasy, the love that you feel in this one participation in life. So you have to take the bad with the good. Let the bad wash over you. And I’m saying this theoretically, because so many times in the bad parts, it’s awful. It’s hard to do. But if you keep that in mind—I will do this; I will participate in life and not hide; I will boldly go into that hurt locker again—that’s the only way to do it. The only way to live.”  --William Shatner

Thursday, April 04, 2024

"However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."  --Stanley Kubrick