Friday, September 23, 2005

More Quotes

"How could I have been anyone other than me?"
-- South African rock star, guitarist and vocalist Dave Matthews

"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more
painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-- American author of Spanish, Cuban, French and Danish descent Anais Nin

"Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly

Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far

And I hope you always stay the same
Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change"
-- Joey McIntyre, "Stay the Same" from the 1999 CD of the same name

"How could anyone ever tell you, you were anything less than beautiful
How could anyone ever tell you, you were less than whole
How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle
How deeply you're connected to my soul."
-- Libby Roderick, "How Could Anyone (ever tell you, you were anything less
than beautiful?)" from the CD If You See a Dream

"...but here am I;
Once a caterpillar, now a butterfly."
-- Pet Shop Boys, "Metamorphosis"

"I don't think that [the issue of] sexuality and disability is controversial because of genitals. I don't even think it's controversial so much because of pregnancy. The major reason it's controversial is that it would force a massive reevaluation of who disabled people are."
-- Dave Hingsburger

"I have said to you to speak the truth is a painful thing. To be forced to tell lies is much worse. "
-- Oscar Wilde, De Profundis

"From an early age, we're taught not only bigotry but also to feel helpless and hopeless when confronted with it, as if it is a force of nature--like gravity--that we cannot control. This is the lesson we must unlearn. We must break free of the mindset that tells us we have to accept injustice, intolerance, and bigotry..."
-- Kevin Jennings, from "Learning to Swim Upstream"

"The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it's much more exciting."
-- Andy Warhol

"Can I tell you guys something?" Joe says. "Will you promise not to laugh at me or say it's gross?"
"Promise," I say, and Skeezie goes, "Pinky swear," and smiles.
"You know what I want more than anything?"
I am guessing by the way he takes a deep breath that the answer to this is not to be found in any of Joe's usual wish-list categories, such as home decor or celebrities-I'd-most-like-to-be-stuck-on-a-desert-island-with.
"I think about this a lot, but I've never told anybody. Not Aunt Pam or anybody. What I want more than anything is to hold hands with somebody I like."
Joe pulls his knees up then, sharp, and crosses his arms over them, so he can lay down his head, like now that he's told us this terrible secret he doesn't want to see our faces telling him what we think.
"Does that gross you out?" he asks from inside his folded-up arms.
"No," I go, and so does Skeeze.
"If that's how you feel, then you should just go for it, man," says Skeezie, getting all serious. "I mean, you're a pretty outrageous character, JoDan. I never seen you exactly lacking for nerve."
Joe lifts his head. "Right. Can you see me walking down the hall holding hands with Colin the way Brittney holds hands with Will, or Sara with Justin? Not that I'm saying Colin would want to or anything, but it's not fair."
-- James Howe, The Misfits, pp. 121-2

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