Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus Christ Superstar and Me

Why would a good charismatic pentecostal lad be King Herod in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and be nearly naked? Typecasting-- I was the only fat weird tenor in choir. [Let me digress for a sec. JC Superstar has taken so much unnecessary heat because it does not show the resurrection. It wouldn’t since it tells Jesus’ story from the viewpoint of Judas, and imho since he dies before Jesus rose again, Judas wouldn’t have seen it, so it wouldn’t be in this musical. At least that is my take.] But the musical was not something I felt I should be getting involved in. Of course, never having heard it, I just went by what folks at church told me. Others had stronger feelings against it. So we had a minister come in to discuss issues related to it. I would say that this discussion was pivotal in allowing me to question my religious thoughts. So King Herod I would be. Little did I know how much of a narcissistic, grandiose, piece of poop I was going to have to pretend to be. “Herod’s Song” has the most disrespectful, sacrilegious, and antithetical set of lyrics in regards to Jesus a Christion can utter. The final stanza includes the words: “You’re a joke, You’re not the Lord, You’re nothing but a fraud.” At least in “Superstar” Judas is earnestly questioning Jesus where it all seems to have gone wrong. King Herod is a pompous dick. Tough part for a newly awoken Assembly of God kid. But this musical sent me on a search that continues to this day. And I did ultimately have fun.

FAQ | Jesus Christ Superstar Zone

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