Wednesday, May 05, 2021

"I desperately want a movement space that knows that compassion is not a zero-sum game. Where we have compassion for people's ignorance. Where we are allowed to be messy and to make mistakes. Where accountability is an act of love and the word 'holding' is the key word in 'holding others accountable.' Where the sanctity of all life and our interdependence to everything that exists is so deeply known and felt that no person will ever question their sense of belonging. Where no matter what any of us has done, that we all know that there will always be space for us here. That no matter what we have done, we will trust our circle enough to grieve the harm that we caused and to say, 'yes, I did that,' and know that we will not be cast out of humanity. Where we can learn to respond to even the most egregious harms without letting our sights off of the North Star of healing."  --Kazu Haga

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