Friday, February 25, 2005

The Real Gay Agenda

"[L}et’s dispel a few myths propagated by our opponents: They are quick to say “You can be who you want, just don’t force it on us” or “We don’t hate you--we simply wish that you keep your lifestyle away from our children,” plus plenty of other venomous remarks masquerading as tolerance. The fact is that they don’t only want gays and lesbians to shut up--they want us gone. Most would fire up the ovens if they thought they could get away with it, doing away once and for all with the blight of gays and lesbians--let the fires of hell claim those evildoers now instead of at death.

"When the president of the United States talks about the “protection” of marriage, what he’s really talking about is equivalent to a big federal NO stamp placed on the foreheads of each gay and lesbian American. It’s not about marriage--it’s about the need to smack us back down because we’re getting too uppity. When school boards get upset at posters about tolerance or over gay-straight alliances, it has nothing to do with parental choice concerning what their children are taught in school--it’s about their denial that any of their kids could be gay. They don’t want their kids to know about gays, because they wish we didn’t exist. Period. End of story...

"So while the gay agenda might not be clearly defined, there can be no doubt what the antigay agenda is: removal of all things from society that in any way, shape, or form say being gay is acceptable.

"But back to our so-called agenda: Why does no one seem to notice that it’s mentioned only when someone or some entity is trying to oppress us? Gays and lesbians have far more to do with our lives than go around each day trying to promote some ethnocentric ideology...

"Basically, we want the same benefits, rights, and protections as other Americans.

"So there is in fact a gay agenda--however, it’s called by the wrong name. The agenda isn’t gay, it’s American. What all those opposing us don’t understand is that we have the same agenda that everyone in this nation has: to be free while living here. Free to be who and what we are; to have our unions sanctioned with the same benefits; to not fear death or expect to be an outcast at home, work, and school for simply being different.

"Gays and lesbians want freedom, particularly from religious oppression. We want what our founding fathers wanted--a place where all are indeed created equal, endowed with the same inalienable rights, and treated as such."

from "The Gay Agenda Revealed!" by Charles Karel Bouley II

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