Tuesday, April 19, 2005


"We convince by our presence."
-- Walt Whitman

"The Supreme Court has held that students have a First Amendment right to free speech at school unless that speech disrupts the educational process. But for the censorship to be legal, the speech itself must be genuinely disruptive -- it can't just be censored because someone finds it offensive, or it generates discussion or the administration is worried that it might cause controversy."
-- Jeff Gamso, legal director of the ACLU in Ohio, which sent a legal warning letter to a school that banned the wearing of T-shirts that express support for gay rights.

"Do something, anything, every day to change the world. It doesn't have to be big, it could be giving a dime to a street person, planting a flower, picking up litter. Anything will change the world."
-- out gay actor and author, Harvey Fierstein (Mulan, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Sissy Duckling, Torchsong Trilogy)

"I make the films I do because I can't let the bad guys get away with it ... There are forces in this world and they have their agenda to take over, to dictate how everybody should live, and dictate what the rules are going to be ... That is why I did [The Public Families Project] - fighting society."
-- Chinese-American out gay filmmaker, Arthur Dong (Stories from the War on Homosexuality, Family Fundamentals, Licensed to Kill)

"No more lies, no more pain, no more acting, just living in our truth. We want our children to know that their fathers are proud and comfortable with whom they are. Also as they grow older, we hope society will be a more tolerant place, accepting all differences in people."
-- retired NFL player and openly gay dad, Esera Tuaolo

"Being nurturing is not a biological trait assigned to only [one] gender."
-- Lance Chen-Hayes who is gay and Chinese-American and who, with his partner, Stuart Chen-Hayes, is raising their son

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