Thursday, April 21, 2005

Resistance Futile My ...

"There is no evidence that the Ratzinger family felt inclined to help the town's few remaining Jews, or the smattering of anti-Nazi resistance fighters who dared to oppose the regime.

"Elizabeth Lohner, 84, whose brother-in-law was sent to Dachau concentration camp for being a conscientious objector, recalled: "It was possible to resist and those people set an example for others." She added: "The Ratzingers were young and made different choices.""

excerpt from "Pope Benedict: His role in the Nazi years"
By Tony Paterson in Traunstein

why do i keep going on about the pope? i'm not even catholic, although i love the pomp and ceremony of a mass. it just bothers me that a world leader bashes anyone or thing that doesn't fit his narrow view of the world. and if anyone questions his past and motivations, he just says, "well i did what i did because they made me." excuses with no responsibility. just like most conservatives i know. pass the buck the devil made me do it. that's bs! anyone with integrity owns their mistakes, takes responsibily for them, and moves on with no excuses. the pope ain't.

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